Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Another 'Day of Infamy'

Well, the election is over. Obama won a second term. Ohio lost on Josh Mandel, Cleveland, Toledo, Columbus, Cincinnati, faculty, staff and students at Ohio University at Athens voted for their Obamaphones, Obamacare and food stamps. None of those people seemed to  have considered who is going to pay for Obama's largesse.

Arizona elected Jeff Flake as our new senator, replacing John Kyl, so no net change in Senate numbers. Joe Arpaio won his sixth term, Pinal county, just south of Phoenix, re-elected Paul Babeau, another ardent supporter of protecting our border. In my own county, Cochise, we elected Mark Dannels, another Republican to replace Larry Dever. Martha McSally, running for Congress in my district is neck and neck with Gabby Gifford's hand-picked liberal candidate. Martha was an Air Force Colonel, the first female combat pilot and commanded a squadron in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  Arizona Daily Star article

Stock market down 300 points as I write. Business is not happy. EPA set to launch regulations that will cripple if not destroy the coal industry in this country. Obama promises more of the same for four more years. Israel is now left with no reasonable choice but to attack Iran's nuclear program. As Ha'aretz said this morning, "Start filling your sandbags, it's going to be a rough ride."

This is my first new post in quite some time but I'll probably post a lot more often now. Please feel free to comment on any post. After having been threatened by my critics a couple of years ago I continue to take a dim view of threats or generally hostile comments. Other than that, feel free to respond to anything.

Although I do have an email address for this blog, <> my normal, everyday email address is <> My twitter account is under the username 'dee_m_wilson'

editor dmwilson